Māra Liniņa

Lettland Regisseur
1 film
1 events


Māra Liniņa was born in Riga, Latvia in 1971. She graduated with a BA in film directing from the
Latvian Academy of Culture in 1996 and subsequently completed a master’s in stage speech. Since 1998, she has been teaching elocution and acting; since 2000, she has also worked as a casting director for Latvian and international film projects. She began her career in animation in the 1990s as an executive artist at the animation studio Dauka. Working on her own animated short films, she uses the language of cinema to enter into a dialogue with the world.


  • Čuči čuči (Hush Hush Little Bear) (court-métrage, short, Kurzfilm) 2022
  • Once Upon a Time, God (court-métrage, short, Kurzfilm) 2009
  • Hornyhoof, Furball and Tiddleywink (court-métrage, short, Kurzfilm) 2002