Official Selection - Out of Competition

Snow & the Bear (Kar ve Ayi)

Selcen Ergun
Female Director Crime & Thriller 2022 93 min Türkiye, Germany, Serbia
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Asli, a young nurse, is sent to a remote mountain village in the northeast of Turkey in the middle of a harsh winter to complete her compulsory service. Many of the villagers greet her with scepticism and Asli becomes aware that this rural society is conditioned by the patriarchy. When rumours start that bears have woken from hibernation early and killed local livestock, and then a man from the village goes missing, Asli finds herself in the middle of power struggles and secrets.

Aslı vient d’être nommée infirmière dans une petite ville reculée où, cette année, l’hiver semble sans fin et entraîne dans son sillage une rumeur ; les ours seraient sortis plus tôt de leur hibernation. Alors qu’un homme est porté disparu, les luttes de pouvoir, les secrets et les doutes assaillent Aslı.


  • Merve Dizdar
  • Saygin Soysal
  • Erkan Bektaş
  • Asiye Dinçsoy
  • Muttalip Müjdeci 


  • Selcen Ergun
  • Yesim Aslan


  • Florent Herry


  • Cenker Kökten


  • Erdem Helvacıoğlu


  • Albino Zebra
  • Nefes Films
  • Riva Film
  • Set Sail Films
  • TRT


Monday 06 March 2023 18:45
Lieux : Cinémathèque
Audio : Turkish
Subtitles : English
Screening : Public Screening

Selcen Ergun

Selcen Ergun
Selcen Ergun

Selcen Ergun obtained her MA in Screenwriting and Directing at Istanbul Bilgi University, after studying Industrial Design and Visual Culture at Middle East Technical University in Ankara. She is a Berlinale Talents alumna. Selcen began her career as an assistant director and made a couple of short films that were selected by international film festivals. She was selected for the Medienboard Nipkow Artist-in-Residency in 2019.


  • Snow and the Bear 2022
  • A Sunny Day (short) 2011
  • Confrontations (short) 2007
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