The accreditation plateform is available by clicking here!
Professional accreditations grant the owner to withdraw 5€ discount tickets for every screening – 1 ticket per screening only. You can make a reservation:
- online at www.luxfilmfest.lu
- via ticket machines at Kinepolis Kirchberg and Ciné Utopia cinemas
- at the ticket desks of partner cinemas (Kinepolis Kirchberg, Ciné Utopia,
Cinémathèque). Please note that Festival ticket offices are open from 07/03/2025 and one hour before the start of the screening.
Accreditations are reserved for journalists and photographers who are covering the Festival.
- PRESS ACCREDITATIONS are strictly personal. Its issuance is subject to approval by the Festival (please allow a delay of 48 hours, working days).
- It grants the owner the possibility to withdraw free tickets for every screening (excluding special events upon invitation only) organised by the Luxembourg City Film Festival, taking place from 6th to 16th March 2025, within the limits of available seats and by using one ticket by screening.
- The PRESS ACCREDITATION does not exempt from withdrawing a free ticket, using the PASS number of the PRESS ACCREDITATION.
- Tickets are valid until the exact time of the screening, after which your seat will be reassigned.
- The Festival reserves the right to cancel the PASS and block the customer account in case of abuse (e.g. withdrawal of tickets without actual presence at the screenings).
- If you cannot make it to a screening that you have a ticket for, please inform us at tickets@luxfilmfest.lu so as to allow us to release it for sale.
As with the PASS, PROFESSIONAL/PRESS ACCREDITATIONS are dematerialised. Accredited persons must enter their accreditation number when purchasing on the
our ticketing website. This code must be indicated at the beginning of the order when reserving a ticket
Professional accreditations are reserved for media technicians, buyers, sellers, producers and institutions of the film industry, from Luxembourg and abroad.
Requests from film students, film associations and educational groups will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATIONS are strictly personal. Its issuance is subject to approval by the Festival (please allow a delay of 48 hours, working days).
- Professional accreditations grant the owner to withdraw 5€ discount tickets for every screening (excluding special events upon invitation only) organised by the Luxembourg City Film Festival, taking place 6th to 16th March 2025, within the limits of available seats. and by using one ticket by screening.
- The PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION does not exempt from withdrawing a free ticket, using the PASS number of the PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION.
- Tickets are valid until the exact time of the screening, after which your seat will be reassigned.
- The Festival reserves the right to cancel the PASS and block the customer account in case of abuse (e.g. withdrawal of tickets without actual presence at the screenings).
- If you cannot make it to a screening that you have a ticket for, please inform us at tickets@luxfilmfest.lu so as to allow us to release it for sale.
To withdraw their tickets directly at the cinemas, the barcode of the PROFESSIONAL/PRESS ACCREDITATION should be shown via a smartphone.