Official Selection - Out of Competition

The Summer with Carmen (To kalokairi tis karmen)

Zacharias Mavroeidis
LGBTQIA+ 2023 106 min Greece
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A sharp, light-hearted look at commitment

Newly single Demos spends his summer in Athens with his long-time friend Nikitas. While having a day-long swim at Athens’ queer beach, Demos helps his friend write his first screenplay. The two go back over Demos’s break-up, his inability to live on his own, his encounters with love, his father’s illness and the adoption of Carmen, his ex-girlfriend’s little dog…

In a clever mise en abyme, with a script written on the basis of a screenplay that never saw the light of day, Zacharias Mavroeidis examines the inspiration and structure of the story. Never short of good words, this comedy also questions the difficulties of commitment.

Accessible from 18 and over


  • Yorgos Tsiantoulas
  • Andreas Labropoulos
  • Nikolas Mihas


  • Xenofon Chalatsis
  • Zacharias Mavroeidis


  • Theodoros Mihopoulos


  • Stefanos Efthymiou
  • Kostas Fylaktidis


  • Ted Regklis


  • Atalante Productions


Friday 01 March 2024 16:30
Lieux : Cinémathèque
Audio : Greek
Subtitles : English
Screening : Public Screening
Thursday 07 March 2024 21:00
Lieux : Ciné Utopia
Audio : Greek
Subtitles : English
Screening : Public Screening


Zacharias Mavroeidis

Zacharias Mavroeidis
Zacharias Mavroeidis

Zacharias Mavroeidis studied architecture in Thessaloniki, theatre in Madrid, screenwriting in Cuba and directing in Athens. He then took part in the Berlinale and Sarajevo Talents. His first feature film, The Guide, travelled the world, while his second, Defunct, won two prizes at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival. Zacharias is currently taking part in the Cinekid Script Lab, where he is developing his first novel, Nine Lives Left, into an animated feature for young audiences.


  • The Summer with Carmen 2023
  • Cat Postale (short film) 2022
  • Apostratos 2019
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