Date Night
Franka and Greg, a French woman and an Irish man in their 50s get ready for their first date. They are anxious and try their best to hold their nerve. However, once they meet, things calm down, and an honest, vulnerable, and moving exchange of secrets, confessions and profound truths follows. They are clearly immensely compatible and a great match. But at the peek of their meeting, something changes. It turns out that they are not strangers.
I’ve always wondered how love ends. What the tipping point is between people sharing their deepest truths and the sudden appearance of estrangement and a desire for a different life that befalls even the most optimistic and romantic amongst us. At the same time, I have always found restaurants to be compelling laboratories of human behavior: the eyes that lock with love and passion, but also the uncomfortable silences that mirror the distance that has grown between people who behave like strangers.These thoughts were the foundation for “Date Night” - a modern-day love story and both a date that happens and doesn’t. Or rather, it does, but not the way we think, which we discover at the end of the film.As such, “Date Night” is an expression of my personal melancholy. It’s a desire to explore what multilateral damages and pain we can provoke when we fall silent towards the people we share our lives with. It questions the possible effects of our lack of effort and commitment and shows the beauty of self-reflection and self-awareness when we make the decision to live a life of honesty, integrity and purpose. Ultimately, it reveals how healing, powerful, and liberating a genuine willingness to open oneself can be.Because I do. Despite everything I have experienced and know today, I profoundly believe in love.
- Sophie Langevin
- Stephen Hogan
- Gintarė Parulytė
- Antoine Dupont-Guerra
- Max Scheer
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Gintarė Parulytė

Gintarė Parulytė est une actrice et une réalisatrice luxembourgeoise d’origine lituanienne. Après avoir travaillé comme actrice dans des productions théâtrales et cinématographiques nationales et internationales, elle s’est tournée vers la réalisation de films et a mené à bien des projets qui ont tous été sélectionnés dans des festivals de films à travers le monde. Toujours à la recherche de la vérité, du personnel et de l’intime, elle aspire à parler de tout ce qui est inconfortable, gênant et absurde, avec l’espoir de faire en sorte que les gens se sentent moins seuls, plus attentifs et plus connectés.