Lena Von Döhren

1 film
1 events


Lena von Döhren was born and grew up in Berlin. After a two-year trip around the world, she studied audiovisual communication at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. She did her master in animation at the Lucerne University of Arts. Lena now works as a director, animator and illustrator. Her four episodes of The little Bird won numerous awards and celebrated their premiere at the Berlinale. Her illustrated children’s book, Schau mal meine Freunde, is published by NordSüd Verlag (CH / USA).
Lena just finished Pond, a collaboration with illustrator Eva Rust: A short film for children about a fish getting stuck in a tidepool. The film premiered at this years Berlinale and is currently travelling to festivals around the world.


  • Tümpel/ Pool (short) 2023
  • The little Bird and the Bees (short) 2020
  • The little Bird and the Caterpillar (short) 2017