Official Selection - Out of Competition

Oceans Are the Real Continents (Los océanos son los verdaderos continentes)

Oceans Are the Real Continents (Los océanos son los verdaderos continentes)
Human Rights & Society 2023 119 min Italy, Cuba
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Cuba in three deeply moving stories.

Alex and Edith, a young couple in their thirties, have a relationship made up of small gestures and tenderness amid the ruins of Cuban buildings. Milagros, an old pensioner, survives by selling peanut cones on the street and spends her days listening to radio and reading old letters. Frank and Alain, two nine-year-old best friends, go to school and dream of emigrating to the United States to become Major League Baseball players. In San Antonio De Los Baños, a town in the interior of Cuba where time seems to stand still, three worlds circulate and unfold.

Tommaso Santambrogio’s brilliant blend of three very distinct existences, all wrapped up in aspiration and melancholy, casts a disturbing light on Cuba. Contradictory forces are at work, fragmenting the lives of the characters and subtly revealing the country’s contemporary dynamics.


  • Alexander Diego
  • Edith Ibarra
  • Frank Ernesto Lam


  •  Tommaso Santambrogio 


  • Lorenzo Casadio Vannucci


  • Tommaso Barbaro


  • Ramiro Cordero
  • Marco Reccagni


  • Rosamont
  • Rai Cinema


Monday 04 March 2024 16:00
Lieux : Ciné Utopia
Audio : Spanish
Subtitles : English
Screening : Public Screening
Tuesday 05 March 2024 16:00
Lieux : Cinémathèque
Audio : Spanish
Subtitles : English
Screening : Public Screening


“Nobody in Oceans stands on steady ground, and despite the peaceful ambiance of the town and the staid nature of the drama, life is a constant push-and-pull between the here and there — between the place you’re stuck in and the one that keeps luring you away.”
Jordan Mintzer The Hollywood Reporter 08/09/2023

Oceans Are the Real Continents (Los océanos son los verdaderos continentes)

Oceans Are the Real Continents (Los océanos son los verdaderos continentes)

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